
AVA (BEP-20) Now Available on PancakeSwap

AVA (BEP-20) is now available to purchase via the AVA (BEP-20) / USDT (BEP-20) liquidity pool on PancakeSwap V3!

PancakeSwap is the leading decentralised exchange for BNB Smart Chain, utilising user-generated liquidity pools and an automated market maker (AMM) protocol to match buyers with sellers.

267,000 AVA from the Community Pool (equal to US$150,000) has been allocated to create the initial liquidity pool on PancakeSwap, as voted on by the community with a 99.65% approval rate.

BEP-20 functionality expands the utility of the AVA token and provides wider access to AVA, enabling token holders to interact with the BNB Chain ecosystem as well as the existing Ethereum ecosystem to increase on-chain activity across both blockchains.

The AVA BEP-20 contract address is: 0xd9483EA7214FCfd89B4Fb8f513B544920E315A52

Trade AVA (BEP-20) on PancakeSwap

About AVA Foundation

The AVA Foundation’s overarching mission is to create a decentralised and self-sufficient blockchain-based loyalty ecosystem with AVA at its core. The AVA token functions as the key to accessing web3 loyalty programs and provides perks to end users, such as AVA payment discounts, AVA loyalty rewards, gated access benefits, and more. AVA tokenises the concept of loyalty reward programs using blockchain technology, bringing web3 to traditional loyalty models.

About PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is a leading multichain decentralised exchange that operates on an automated market maker (AMM) model and is available across 9 chains: BNB Chain, Ethereum, Aptos, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync Era, Arbitrum One, Linea, Base, and opBNB. Launched in 2020, PancakeSwap is one of the most popular DEXs in the cryptocurrency industry due to its low transaction fees, high-speed trading, and user-friendly platform. PancakeSwap has over $614 billion in total trading volume and over $1.39 billion in total liquidity locked, making it the leading multichain DEX in the industry. For more information, visit